Best Leather Conditioner

3 Best Leather Conditioners

In this post, I will tell you about the best leather conditioners which you can use with absolute confidence of protecting your leather products.

1 – Lexol

It is best known by the professionals in the premium cars and equestrian saddle arenas. Lexol has both a cleaner and a conditioner. Lexol is known as the best leather conditioner on the market. It is important to clean the leather prior to conditioning, any stains can leave a mark on the leather and you will not want any mildew or odors, like cigarette smoke, to be sealed in with the conditioner. Using Lexol conditioner extends the life of your leather by restoring the oils used in the tanning process. Lexol has a really neat product called Neatsfoot Leather dressing that ensures light colored leather does not darken when conditioning and protecting it. It also does not leave a greasy finish, it just leaves the leather looking supple and renewed, so consider using Lexol for all your light colored leathers.

2 – Meguiars Gold Class Rich Leather Cleaner And Conditioner

You can buy it as all in one or buy them as the separate products. If your leather requires a big cleanup buy the products separately to be sure the leather is completely cleaned before you condition it. The cleaner and conditioner are designed for both leather and can be used on vinyl. This product moisturizes repairs and preserves the leathers suppleness. If you really want to protect your leather product from premature aging, use this product. It has both UVA and UVB protection to ensure your leather looks amazing for many years. It doesn’t leave a white residue or an artificial gloss either. Another of the best leather conditioners.

3 – Leather Honey Conditioner

Another great leather conditioner is Leather Honey. It has been around since the 1968 and currently today has one of the best customer reviews in the industry. They offer a 100% money back guarantee but based on their customer reviews they probably rarely have returns. Their product is non-toxic, water repellent, controls mildew and does not leave an oily residue. Make sure to apply the product in thin, even coats and allow the leather to completely dry between coats. Always be sure to try the product in a discreet area first before applying to the leather product. If you want to bring back that soft workable leather feel, this is another one of the best leather conditioners on the market.

I hope these leather conditioner reviewswill help you make the decision to choose the best product.